⛏ BITPIF Liquidity Mining. Earn 10,000,000 BPF in Liquidity Mining Rewards!
BITPIF Liquidity Mining Campaign launched 16.11.2020 for 60 days. As part of the campaign, Liquidity Providers (“LP”) receive 1,982,676 BPF / week. Join the BPF/ETH pool to start participating.
A healthy BPF requires deep liquidity pools. Excellent liquidity means that community members can enter larger BPF positions with much smaller slippage. Liquidity mining is useful for distributing BPF to the community, further decentralizing. BPF is distributed to users who provide liquidity. This aligns future ownership with valuable users. The incentivized pools will remain among the most liquid decentralized exchange (DEX) trading venues, leading to competitive prices.
How it works:
- Swap or Claim BPF on BITPIF
- You must first provide liquidity to the BPF/ETH pool
- For providing liquidity you will receive UNI-V2 tokens, which represent the tokens you have contributed to the pool. Merely providing liquidity will NOT earn you BPF rewards, you must complete the next step to earn BPF rewards.
- Visit BPF with the UNI-V2 tokens from the previous step in your address, and enter the amount of UNI-V2 tokens you want to stake and earn BPF rewards.
Distribution rules:
1. BPF will be distributed based on each address’ percentage of the total UNI-V2 staked in the rewards contract.
2. The amount of BPF rewards paid out are proportional to the balance of each address and time staked.
3. Payouts will be made automatically
4. Payouts will need to be claimed manually from BPF